How to take tansy to the parasites

Worm infection is considered a common disease. The controlling harmful organisms are applied, effective medicines, and medicinal plants. One of the most popular folk remedies tansy is the parasites. How to accept that it's useful, who do not use the plant cover in this article.


Inflorescence, so-called, wild Rowan's unique qualities to help get rid of the Giardia, dyes, or ascarids. This plant species applied in many countries as the official during natural medicine. To consume a special system, based on respecting the duration of treatment, as well as to the cook strictly to the recipe. The grass should not be considered completely safe, so before taking consult with your doctor.

Useful properties

Tansy has had a negative impact on the parasites, thanks to the special composition. Contains mono-Turpin, which causes paralysis of the muscles in the malicious worms. This ingredient in small doses is safe for people are also allowed to add the food products, gives them a bitter taste. The presence of the bitterness unfavourable conditions for the residence and reproduction of the helminths in the digestive tract.

Tansy consists of the following useful components:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tanning substances;
  • polysaccharides;
  • essential oil;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic compounds.

In addition, the plant promotes the toxins excretion accumulated in the process of vital activity of parasites. It also improves your heart, blood vessels, quickly restores and nourishes the damaged tissue. The result speeds up the healing process of the patient, as well as improve your general state of health.

The characteristics of the effect

Tansy is included in the list, the plants are bitter. In practice, it has been proven that this material is a good antagonist, the malicious worms, which are parasites of the digestive tract.

Worms live and prosper in an environment enriched with a large amount of sugar. The presence of the bitterness, the environment affects the growth, development.

Effect of tansy worm infection

Effect of tansy the helminthiasisok infection doesn't end here. In addition to the toxic effects, helps to eliminate the still-living parasites in the body. The plant gradually accumulates in the colon, the walls. This discharge is the worms leave the human body together with feces.

A safe reception of the wild Rowan

Before you use this method to get rid of the alien threat worms, you need to learn the rules of receipt of this plant. The pest control use the flowers, seeds or the powder, the crushed dry grass. Allowed the use of tansy to the worms in the form of infusion, decoction, alcoholic tincture.

Medicinal drink can't drink for a long time, as it contains the material the perimeter of which in high doses can cause hallucinations, clouding of consciousness, mental disorders.

Admission of national drugs twice a year, the course duration is not more than a week. The consumption after only a laxative drug, which is necessary for cleaning the digestive tract of the dead parasites.

Where can I find

Perennial tansy is included in the Asteraceae family. Growing in temperate climatic zones. You can find it almost everywhere. Yellow flowers found on the edge of the forest, the meadow steppes, near the water, in the open Sunny areas. The plant blooms in July–August, fruits ripen in September. The separate all grass is maintained to the highest concentration of nutrients.

The most important thing is to be collected in ecologically clean areas, far from roads, industrial areas.

Wild Rowan is found purchased at the pharmacy. The price varies from 50 to 90 rubles. In addition, there are capsules or tablets in the dry grass, the purpose, the destruction of removing harmful pests from the body.

How to harvest

If you harvest the plant yourself, you need to dry in the open air, avoiding direct sunlight or in a well ventilated area to use. Occasionally stir the mixture.

A pressed flower should be stored in a paper bag or cotton bag.

The anti-parasite recipes used wild Rowan collected two years ago. Old grass is not always useful functions.

Dried flowers can be ground in a coffee grinder with the simple and correct application. The place where raw materials must be dry. Only in accordance with all the tips in the collection preparation for the tansy medicinal value remains unchanged.

Tea tansy

Contraindications side effects

Drink tansy parasites must be great caution, strictly observing the dosage of the recipes. Because of the toxic component to be treated in this way should be no more than a week. If it is necessary to extend the course, it is better to take a break for a few days, and then him again. Special attention should be given during the therapy, children, chronic diseases of old age.

Contraindications to the use of tansy:

  • children's age;
  • the cardiovascular disease;
  • breast-feeding;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • the presence of the tumors of unknown etiology;
  • allergy;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • hyperthermia;
  • SARS;
  • gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer.

Side effects are the following:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • bowel diseases;
  • painful feeling in the stomach.

To manage the weed, pregnant women, children

The women in the position to make such a way of dealing with the parasites is contraindicated. The plant leads to inflammatory process in the uterus, or miscarriage. Promotes contraction of the muscles, which contractions of a pregnant woman. Toxic substances tansy adversely affect the development and formation of the fetus. Thus, the Anthelmintics is prohibited to take, while in the hands of the baby.

Tansy against worms to give to the children only in the form of a decoction, while carefully following the dosing of the preparation. The drug should not be used in the treatment of parasites in young children up to 3 years, because that's what's causing the different diseases a small body. Herbal tea is recommended to drink child 3 times a day, in the following proportions:

  • From 3 to 7 years of age: 1 tbsp;
  • 7-10 years of age: 50 ml.;
  • From 10 to 14 years old 75 ml.;
  • Over 14 years of age to 100 ml.
The flowers of tansy

Healing, you don't. Only a doctor should decide how to take the tansy, what dosage and how many days.

Most popular recipes

Every part of the plant is equally useful used for medicinal purposes. The tansy prepared: decoction, alcoholic tincture, tea or powder.

The method of preparation depends directly on the effectiveness during the review.

Tansy pure

Get rid of the parasites, so you will need the powder of the dried flowers of the plant. Easy to make, store and eat.


  1. Grind in a mortar or coffee grinder major component.
  2. The special tightly closed container.

Ready means that you need to eat 0.5 teaspoon, before meals twice a day.

The optimal duration of treatment is 5 days.

It is important that during the treatment, the powder tansy was not included in the human respiratory tract can cause a variety of ailments. In order to avoid such moments, you will advance to pour it in a glass of warm water or mix with honey. In the latter case, bitter taste in the mouth is not pronounced, used in herbal medicine is much nicer.

Seed powder

According to many experts in the field of herbal medicine, the seed powder of the plant is more effective than the decoction of the inflorescence. Liquid funds absorbed from the stomach in large quantities, the intestine, in which the main parasites, the autumn in small quantities. Thus, a positive result can only be achieved during long-term treatment.

The dust, the tansy, the digestive tract, almost never processed by the stomach and remains in the colon. The consumption dose for adults is 0.5 teaspoons before meals twice a day. In the course of such a tool is much shorter. This can span from 3 to 5 days, as the effect is achieved faster.


Drink parasites are made of 2 tablespoons of inflorescences of tansy, which are filled with a liter of water. In a water bath the mixture to boil, and then administered in approximately two hours.

Ready worm medicine you have to drink it warm 50 ml after meals 3 times a day. In the course of a week.

The patient must make sure to maintain the proportion while cooking, herbal tea, and adhere to admission rules of the natural medicines. Keep your drink cool place. Expiry date — day.

The preventive purpose it is sufficient to drink the infusion once a week for several months.

Tansy, as well as pumpkin seeds

Tansy, as well as pumpkin seeds

Shorty is a strong antiparasitic activity. Contains cucurbita, which is a toxic substance. He also contributed to the loss of almost all types of worms, smaller or larger animals, as toxic effects of the muscles, eggs, larvae. As a result, the parasites lose the ability to cling to the intestinal mucosa, actively multiplying, and excreted in the faeces.

When used together, tansy, and pumpkin properties of these components complement each other, so that worms, harmful effect. The preparation of the popular folk remedy shall be: 10 g of inflorescences, 70 g peeled sunflower seeds. Ingredients should be ground to a fine powder.

The mixture day for 1 tablespoon before meals. The patient, to solve the problems, only three days of therapy.

"Russian triptych"

If more during the herbs, the effect does not stay after a couple of days after that the funds are used. Russian triptych known for several decades as a powerful herb against parasites.

Main ingredients:

  • the flowers of tansy — 3 g;
  • wormwood — G. 1;
  • clove — 1, 5 g.

The compound does not require heat treatment, infusion, or beer. You only need to divide in 3 parts:

  1. The first day of the admission I ate 1 dose 30 minutes.before meals.
  2. The second day of treatment — 2 doses.
  3. The third day — 3 dose.

Repeat the 3 day treatment before the end of the week. Prevention, a dose of 1 times per week for 3 months.

For your comfort, the consumer is allowed to dilute means that a small amount of water.

All you need to do a recipe and abide by the rules of admission.

Tincture of tansy

To prepare the tincture of tansy need: 100 ml vodka (you can use 70% alcohol), 25 g of inflorescences. Flowers need to pour the alcohol in 10 days. The solution would be, stir occasionally. Herbs stored in a dark place at room temperature.

30 drops of tincture of an hour after dinner tonight 6-7 days. Consumption before the product can be diluted in a glass of water.

The digestive system diseases of tincture in its pure form it is prohibited to drink, as alcohol irritates the organs. Deterioration of to avoid health, consult your doctor.

Chicory, tansy, and yarrow

Chicory, tansy, and yarrow

The decoction of tansy, chicory, and yarrow will also help helminthiasis. Effective plant protection must first be properly prepared:

  1. All the components of the collection in the same proportion as 1 tsp mix and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. The product is fire in a water bath on low heat for approximately 20 minutes.

Cook, a long time is impossible, as a long time heat treatment promotes the loss of useful properties of the plants. The prepared decoction is taken three times 100 ml. after meals for 7 days.

This drink helps to get rid of the dangerous pests, as well as to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.